Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Who is like the LORD?

“Who else among the gods is like you, O LORD? Who is glorious in holiness like you – so awesome in splendor, performing such wonders?” Song of Moses, Exodus 15:11

“For who in all the heaven can compare with the LORD? What mightiest angel is anything like the LORD? The highest angelic powers stand in awe of God. He is far more awesome than those who surround his throne. O LORD God Almighty! Where is there anyone as mighty as you, LORD? Faithfulness is your very character.” Ethan the Ezrahite Psalm 89:6-8

“Who is like me?” God, Isaiah 44:7

“To whom will you compare me? Who is equal?” God, Isaiah 46:5

“Who is like God” is a different question than what skeptics ask today, which is “Who is God like?” The first question sees His wonder and is amazed. Who could possible compare to this God?! He is just so incredible. Wow. The second question tries to define his character. Is he like Santa, or the Grinch? Is prayer to him like hitting the lottery or making a wish? Is he like George Bailey or Mr. Potter? Jekyll or Hyde? The first question is asked numerous times in the bible. The Psalmists and the Prophets ask “Who is like the Lord?” God himself asks this question. Who is like me? Line me up with all the other gods of the world and compare us. Who is like me? It's a lovely question usually asked in the context of the wonders God has wrought. His amazing creation. His powerful redemption. His miraculous deeds. God is not afraid to stand up to other gods. He knows he wins this contest hands down. He's not being arrogant he just knows he's the only real contender here. There is one God and it's him. So we put him up against the god of humanism, man, and compare. And when we're done laughing we see that, yeah, he pretty much wins. Put him up against all the Hindu gods, the Muslim God, the spirits of Animism, any idol man can construct and He wins. But that question is no longer the one being asked. The new question is “Who is God like?” And the answers don't matter because the question says it all. We are looking to redefine who God is. Where not happy with what he's really like, so subtly, ever so subtly we rephrase the question until we can answer it in any number of wild and creative ways that diminish who he is in our eyes. The answers have really always amounted to the same shallow, why isn't God nicer idea but since they are reworded and sound new a few times each generation we think a new enlightened question has been asked. God's image has ranged from dowdy old Santa type man to angry venomous cruel old man. He could be like a wish giver, a lucky charm, a faithful pet, or a powerless out of touch grandfather. When we ask Who is God like instead of Who is like him we are judging his character. Why would he do this or that? Why would he let this or that happen? If there is a God then why, why why? So, we are questioning what he says about himself, forgetting the ancient truths passed down and exalting our knowledge above His. In essence we are saying that we have more mercy that the creator of mercy, that we know more than the creator of knowledge and that we would do a better job at being god than God. There will never be an end to the arrogance of man against God. Mankind will always be trying to diminish Him. Yet there are a few who can say with David,

“Many, O Lord my God, are the wonderful works which You have done, and Your thoughts toward us; no one can compare with You! If I should declare and speak of them, they are too many to be numbered.” Psalm 40:5

1 comment:

Jessica A. Kent said...

Good thoughts, Teri! A great observation, because yes, we DO ask "Who is God like?" rather than the better question. The fact that we ask questions that we feel we deserve answers to at all is telling about our fallen ways.