“We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world, including in my own country.”
Say what? And what exactly has Islamic faith contributed to the world, to America in particular? So the President is either mentally imbalanced (crazy as hell), intentionally manipulative (playing politics/sucking up – have you seen the picture of him “bowing” to the Saudi King )genuinely ignorant (duh), or speaking in code (I wish). Seriously, what has Islam contributed to America? Can you think of one thing? Just one? Ok, besides terror. Besides 911. Isn't it frightening that our new President is making these kind of ridiculous statements officially on behalf of the the American people? What IS he talking about? Just exactly what is he referring too? And just exactly how does the President intend for us to “convey our deep appreciation”? Is this for real? Deep appreciation? Over 3000 6 foot deep graves? Deeply frightened? Does anyone remember any deep apologies. I remember celebrations in the Islamic world because of 911.
Pretty much everything Americans know about Islam today we learned because of terrorism. When I was a kid no one even mentioned Islam. You never saw or heard about anything Muslim or Islamic. You just didn't, no one cared. There was nothing to talk about. Then we began to hear little by little about this or that lunatic radical Islam leader or group and what terrible act had been committed or inflammatory statements made, while the talking heads tried to figure out how much of a real threat this Islam was. Ok, they have camels and stones we have tanks, should we take this serious? But of course they were serious and maybe we weren't. One problem we still have today is that we think the Eastern half of the world thinks like the Western half. We think we're playing by the same rules. We think they think like us. They don't. Islam is not just a religion it's a way of life (there's a bumper sticker for ya). Since 911 the entire nation has been under the sway of 'help me understand Islam'. So because Islamists, in the name of Islam attacked us, murdering many thousands of our civilian population without cause, created millions (or is it billions?) in property damage we are now becoming familiar with all things Muslim. The funny part is if some Islamic American (and that would be the order of loyalty) wanted to participate in our government no one would question his or her faith and how much of a role that would play in decision making like they do with professing practicing Christians. That would be called discrimination. We Americans think the old adage “flattery will get you anywhere” applies to the Middle East. Obviously we still have a lot to learn.
Ok well back to President Obama's outrageous statement in Turkey. Now I'm not saying that the country of Turkey hasn't been an ally of the States for many years and that we haven't benefited somewhat from a relationship with them but that's not the same as saying that Islam has made contributions to America. In fact although Turkey is nearly 100% Muslim they boast about their secularism (charade). So in all honesty the only thing Islam has contributed to the United States is terror.
I think the best part of being a liberal is that you don't have to justify anything you say. You don't have to substantiate anything with facts or evidence. You can say whatever you want with impunity. Usually because what you say sounds either elitist - can't touch this - or just plain friendly. You will do what we say because we are smarter than you (used only among our own people) or we like you so much and we really want to be friends and can I try on a hijab and could you show me how to use that Kassam rocket launcher? So unless, Obama was sending a clandestine code to the Islamic world (now that would have been fun!) I'll be curious to see how our government intends on conveying it's deepest appreciation for the shaping of the New York City skyline.