My daughter used to get a Christian magazine in the mail for young people, high school and college age. I absentmindedly flipped through a recent issue and found a misc. quiz entitled The Jesus Quiz. “How much do you really know about Jesus? Take this quiz and find out.” I had, at that time, also been thinking about the monumental question, “Who do you say that I am” from Jesus to his disciples, so I was intrigued. The question of who Jesus is, really is THE central question of our faith, our history, our lives – our eternal lives. I'd like to say that the quiz was challenging, thought provoking and conjured up images of the eternal God fully existing in the person of Jesus Christ. I'd like to say that quiz explored areas of theology and doctrine that can sharpen young peoples discernment and encouraged radical commitment in them. I'd like to say that I was not disappointed. But if I said any of those things I'd be lying. Here's a sample.
Question #1; “Which of the Gospels calls Jesus the 'Word'?” Ok, so this might be a warm up question right?
Question # 4; “What was the name of the demon that Jesus sent into a herd of pigs?” Would knowing that strengthen me against the barrage of lies about the identity of Jesus Christ from prominent cults of our day? Sorry but it doesn't get much better.
Question # 7; “Who was Mary and Martha's brother and what made him so special?” Would you believe these question even provide multiple choice answers? Ok, one more.
Question # 11; “Jesus saw a disciple by a fig tree. Who was it?” And my answer, strangely enough is not provided in the 3 multiple choice answers: “Who cares?”
Seriously, if this quiz was in a magazine for elementary school children, maybe, but for a high school, college crowd? Are you kidding me? I won't even go on to tell you what they say about how you rate depending on how many answers you got wrong. It's just plain empty, trivial fluff. Is this the best we can expect from our young people? Hey boys and girls, can you say irrelevant?
So, I am perplexed and a bit mortified that we have fallen to this place in our pursuit of God. What kind of people are we that these questions even appear in a magazine for people in this age group? Why not meaty articles on the deity of Christ? Who is he really? The Son of God? A created being? An angel? Why not reprint the early church fathers hashing out these questions and more about Jesus Christ? Even Jesus's teachings on any number of pertanant subjects; eternal life, the kingdom of God, forgiveness of sins. I mean I am barely scratching the surface here. There are just a gazillion topics that could be written on and taught in a format like this and we get kindergarten questions?! And we wonder why our young people go off to college and leave the faith?! What difference does it make if I know who's ear got chopped off when Jesus was arrested, or where he performed his first miracle at a wedding? But Is Jesus God? That one counts. It's a sad indictment against the church that we produce this kind of tripe and pawn it off onto the next generation of believers thinking they will be able to carry the precious banner of Christianity into the age of Apostasy to come.
“And many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other. And many false prophets will appear and will deceive many people. Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.” (Matt. 24:10-14)
Question: When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?"
Oh, this is so good, Teri! Frightening, as well. I agree with you one hundred percent that we pass of tripe and drivel, not only to high school and college age, but to all believers. Take a walk through the Christian Inspiration section of the bookstore. We don't KNOW Him, and we've gone so overboard with being "good little Christians" that we're afraid to speak truth about Him, and challenge one another, sharpening iron with iron. We're CHRISTIANS - we're afraid? We should be the last people on earth that are afraid! And the first people speaking truth! Are you kidding me?
And you're right: who cares who was under the fig tree. But as for the deity of Jesus? Oh man. We can't keep giving kids the "Because I said so, but I can't offer you any good reasons not to" excuses. Who was Jesus? He raised somebody from the dead. Who is God? That guy in the sky. Do angels have wings? I think they do, but I haven't checked the scriptures. Why should I wait until I'm married? Um... Why shouldn't I have an abortion? Uh...
Let's get serious about what we believe. Or GET OUT.
You know who Jesus was? The guy who said, "Anyone of My branches who doesn't bear fruit, My Father will cut off and throw into the fire."
PS - Joel Osteen's wife has a new book out.
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