Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Day 5 - still on my bible reading plan!

Just a quick update on my bible reading plan. I'm on day 5 today! For me this might be a record. Blogging has helped me stay on task. Thank you to my 5 readers! Well today I read the first 5 chapters of Joshua (there's that number again!). I could say much about a lot here but honestly there isn't really anything that zings a pertinent comment out of me. Yesterday I read Genesis 1-3 and I can't say that reading made me sit up and take notice either but reading this blog post, watching the video and reading the verse posted after it was beyond stunning in terms of our Creator and His love for us. I find it soothing to think about these kinds of things when there is so much in the world to weigh us down.


Jessica A. Kent said...

Hey Teri - I'm so glad you're still reading. Keep up the good work, my friend! Yea!
The first chapters of Joshua have been all over me since Colorado. Joshua 1 especially, where the Lord repeatedly assures him, "Be strong and courageous! I'll be there!!" Man, that got me through flying.

elizabeth said...

oh teri. i totally agree with you. the perspective of heaven!
and love. eternal, unfailing, relentless, reaching to the heavens love. as strong as death. appreciate you.