Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A place of His own

Preparing my second prayer room reminds me of Aslan's words in the recent Prince Caspian movie, "Things never happen the same way twice". My urgency to make this space available for abiding is less intense than the first time. I am moving slower and with more forethought. I am not motivated in the same way. My energy comes from a desire to move on and to heal, to be busy working rather than busy thinking. Finishing quickly is not the goal but finishing right. The first time I was driven by the excitement of something new and a vision. I rushed ahead madly, bubbling and rippling over every stony obstacle. Now I am a calm deep lake. The room itself hold no new adventures for me that abiding anywhere else on earth cannot provide. His place is among the craggy places in my heart not in a basement or attic room. And yet this place for Him will allow for the time to explore the uncharted depths of our relationship, the places we both long to go together. And that is in fact why I am making this room a place of His own. It could be a lot of things but it was never a question really of what it would become. My vision and effort isn't exactly the same as the first time which makes it a bit like having your second child. The experience is not entirely new, nor the outcome but the journey afterward will be.


elizabeth said...

teri, with one r. that is beautiful! i love your writing. i love you dear friend! and i love your journey with God!

Jessica A. Kent said...

A beautiful pursuit. You are in the right place - abandoned to Him - with this room, Teri. (Sorry, Lizzie told me about your blog. I applaud it!)